Rezervarea se face indicand cu exactitate tipul de apartament solicitat, numarul de persoane, ora si data sosirii, ora si data plecarii, dar si datele complete pentru un posibil contact imediat.
Confirmarea Rezervarii:
Rezervarea va fi confirmata pe basa disponibilitatii in acel moment, si dupa plata unui avans stabilit in functie de numarul de zile de cazare. Firma noastra are dreptul in caz de forta majora de a schimba apartamentul rezervat cu altul similar.
Cazarea se face incepand cu orele 13.00; pentru exceptii va rugam sa solicitati in momentul rezervarii.
Eliberarea apartamentului se face la orele 12.00; pentru exceptii va rugam sa solicitati in momentul rezervarii.
Plata se poate face in numerar, prin transfer bancar sau prin card, cheltuielile de transfer fiind suportate de client. Plata se face anticipat pentru toate perioada de cazare.
Tariful de cazare:
Pretul de inchiriere al apartamentelor este indicat in euro, fara tva, si se calculeaza in lei la cursul de schimb BNR din ziua platii.
Reducere :
Reducerea se aplica in functie de numarul de zile afisat pe site cu conditia ca plata sa fie integrala si de la inceputul cazarii pentru toata perioada de cazare, eventualele prelungiri sunt considerate ca un nou inceput si se platesc la pretul initial afisat pe site.
Plata se face anticipat pentru toate perioada de cazare iar apartamentul este blocat pentru perioada achitata si pus la dispozitia clientului. In cazul in care clientul se hotaraste sa plece mai devreme de ziua anuntata, pierde contravaloarea zilelor ramase si achitate pana la plecarea initiala, intru-cat firma a blocat apartamentul pentru client si nu a mai inregistrat nici o rezervare pentru perioada respectiva.
Clientul este responsabil pentru pagubele materiale aduse apartamentului, trebuind sa depuna un depozit minim de 100 euro ce ii va fi restituit la plecare dupa ce personalul nostru a verificat starea apartamentului si a constatat ca acesta nu a suferit nici un fel de pagube, altfel, in cazul constatarii lor, personalul nostru va evalua valoarea pagubelor care se vor retine din depozit, iar daca va fi necesar se va achita si diferenta, pana la acoperirea pagubei in totalitate.
Responsabilitatea societatii:
Societatea noastra este responsabila de buna functionare a tot ceea ce priveste apartamentul, exceptie facand cazurile particulare care nu depind direct de gestiunea noastra, de exemplu lipsa electricitatii, a apei, a gazului, cablului TV, stricarea liftului etc, in acest caz daca problema persista, in functie de posibilitatea noastra va oferim in schimb un alt apartament. Nu ne asumam nici o resonsabilitate pentru obiectele de valoare sau banii lasati la vedere sau nepazite.
Curatenia este efectuata la cerere, contra cost: 40 Euro (include curatenie + schimbat lenjerie + schimbat prosoape).
Dotari apartamente:
Fiecare apartament este prevazut cu un set complet de lenjerie pentru fiecare pat, 2 prosoape mari , un prosop mic, iar bucataria este complet utilata pentru a putea gati, farfurii, pahare, tacamuri etc, tv prin cablu si cu antena satelitara, aer conditionat, telefon si internet.
Transportul se poate efectua la cerere, de la si pana la aeroport, costul fiind de 35 euro (dus) intre orele 9.00 am si 23.00 pm, sau 50 euro intre orele 23.00 pm si 09.00 am, in functie de disponibilitatea noastra.
Efectuam intermedieri in domeniul imobiliar (cumparare-vanzare de apartamente, inchirieri de apartamente pe termen lung, spatii comerciale etc.).
Terms and Payment
You can book by mentioning the type of apartment requested, the number of persons, the hour and the date of the arrival, the hour and the date of the departure, and the contact details for a direct communication.
Confirming the reservation:
The reservation will be confirmed in base of our availability, and after a paid advanced settled depending of the numbers of the accommodation days.
The check-in starts at 13.00 pm, for exceptions please ask when you are making the reservation.
The check-out it is made no later then 12.00 pm, for exceptions please ask when you are making the reservation.
The payment can be made in cash, by bank transfer or by credit card. The payment will be made in advance for the entire period of accommodation.
The prices for the apartments are in EURO, without vat, and are calculated in RON at BNR exchange rate from the payment day. The listed price can be modified in base of numbers of persons checked in until the maximum number of bed seats is reached for each apartment. For the 2 rooms apartment the listed price is for 2 persons, for 3 rooms apartment the listed price is for 3 persons, for studio flat the listed price is for 1 person.
The discount is applied in base of the number of days shown on the website but only if payment is made integral at check-in for the entire period of accommodation, other prolongation of the period are considered a new begginning and are paid at the initial price shown on the website.
The payment will be made in advance for the entire period of accommodation and the apartment it is blocked for the paid period and offered at the personal use of the customer. If the customer decides to leave earlier then the announced day, looses the counter value of the remain days and paid until the initial leave, as the company blocked the apartment for the customer and took no other reservations for that period.
The customer it is responsible for the material damages caused to the apartment, so at the arrival it will be asked for a minimum guarantee of 100 Euro that will be reimbursed at the departure, after our personnel has checked that has not been made any damage that otherwise will be valuated and paid.
Our company it is responsible for the proper functioning of everything related to the apartment, excepting the cases that do not depend directly on us like no electricity, no water, gas, cable TV, blocked elevator etc, in this cases if the problem persist, in base of our possibilities we can offer you another apartment. We are not responsible for valuable objects or money left on sight or not guarded.
The cleaning it is made with extra charge: 40 euro (changing the bedclothes, cleaning, changing the towels).
Every apartment has a complete set of bedclothes for each bed, two big towels and one small towel, the kitchen it is fully equipped for cooking, plates, glasses, covers etc, TV cable and with satellite antenna, air condition, telephone and internet (upon request).
Upon request the transport can be done from and to airport for the amount of 35 euros from 9.00 am to 23.00 pm, and at the price of 50 euros from 23.00 pm till 09.00 am, in base of our availability.
We are offering consultancy and intermediation in real estate field (buying – selling apartments, lands, long term renting apartments, offices etc.).